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What are DBT Skills
and why are they important?
How does DBT Online Skills Training Work?
Our two different online DBT skills learning options allow students to choose if they want to learn at their own pace or attend a 75-minute live weekly DBT group, gain support from other students on a community platform and message a DBT-trained therapist for even more guidance. Our group co-facilitator is a DBT graduate herself and provides a peer perspective. Students can learn a variety of DBT skills and decide what skills work best for their unique situation.
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based type of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) combined with Zen Buddhism that helps students identify negative thinking patterns and gain healthy coping skills. Although DBT was originally created to treat those with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) it has also shown success in treating other mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The goal of DBT is to find the middle path, decrease intense emotions, improve interpersonal relationships, and learn effective coping skills for difficult times. DBT focuses on learning skills relevant to the present situations people are dealing with in order to lead a more rewarding life.
Online DBT Skills Group & Online Community
With our Online DBT Skills Group, you'll not only receive access to our video DBT masterclass, and supportive online community of fellow students, but you'll also participate in weekly online group where you learn DBT skills to improve mindfulness, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and tolerance for stressful situations. You'll receive lifetime access to the masterclass and a completion certificate upon completing your course!
Self-Paced Online
DBT Course
Freshen up your skills and learn some new ones from all four DBT modules, in a new all-in-one course. With this self-paced DBT Course, you'll receive access to our full set of DBT skills videos from Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Distress Tolerance all at your own pace, on YOUR own schedule. You also get access to our supportive community full of fellow students and regularly updated content on DBT skills and mental health.
Professional Training
Are you a mental health provider looking for a professional training program to learn DBT skills to help your clients? Looking to consult on challenging cases or specific client challenges.
Check out our DBT training program to assist in training your staff to begin using DBT skills to better help clients.