DBT & Coping Skills for Every Situation

Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills and other coping skills can help folks with a variety of mental health struggles. Sometimes the hardest part of coping is figuring out what skill to use when. Based on an online course I created years ago, I've created a list of different skills for different situations.
They're not explained, so it may take some effort on your part to research the skill if you're not familiar (check DBTSelfHelp.com for the DBT skills!) but hopefully it gives you a place to start.
Skills for feeling too 'up' (anxiety, panic attacks, mania, etc.)
Wise Mind
Body Scan
Journaling - write it all down
Square Breathing
54321 - 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste.
Self soothe & create self soothe box
Talk to your anxiety not yourself, name it!
Change the Scenery/the V in IMPROVE (Vacation)
Create a Plan/Problem Solving
Skills for feeling down (depression, suicidal thoughts, low mood, etc.)
Set a small goal & try to complete it
Take a shower or practice other basic self-care
Schedule yourself time to feel down
Scale it 1-10
Belly Breathing
Fake it until you make it
Positive (& realistic) self talk
What did I do last time I felt like this to feel better
Create a plan/problem solving
Skills for not feeling (dissociation, PTSD, C-PTSD, trauma, etc.)
Grounding Tree mindfulness exercise
Body Armor mindfulness exercise
Soothe your 5 senses to get back to reality
Notice where you go when you dissociate
Rewind and 'fix' the tape skill
Take a break and focus on yourself (if you can)
Self Care Kit (to go, in car, in purse, at home, work, etc)
List strengths you have since or due to the trauma/abuse/issue
Forgive or accept (even if they haven't apologized, accept you might never get it!)
Skills for feeling too much (trauma, PTSD, C-PTSD, anxiety, anger, BPD, abandonment, etc.)
Visualize a safe space
Get out of the situation
HALT skill
Write a letter to yourself for next time
Stop, think, do CBT skill
Watch kids TV, read kids books
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Do math, taxes, alphabetize, get out of your head/move towards rational mind
Adjust your expectations (consider that it might be weird if you didn't feel like that)
Keep it simple (eat what you can grab, sleep when you can, survival mode)
Skills for everyone (no specific diagnosis needed!)
Time Management
Sleep Hygiene
Reaching out
Getting professional help
Practice gratitude
Create your own mindfulness/tape yourself
Make happy memories to store for later (Accumulate Positives)
Basics of DBT Interpersonal Effectiveness
Skills for Helping others
Radical Acceptance
Can't help those who aren't ready (don't make an intervention)
Communicate - I am ready when you are
Leave it to the professionals
DBT GIVE interpersonal effectiveness skill
Focus on something else
Take care of yourself/protect yourself
Help out in others way (clean their home, offer help, be available)
Set boundaries
Wish them well, peace, pray, positive vibes, whatever fits for you